Skrap Pack Mission MMA

Our Pricing

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Membership and Day Passes

$40 Day Pass (non-members) / $20 Day Pass (for affiliate members)
Access to all classes taught by elite level instructors for one day. Plenty of mat space and opportunities to train.
Kids Membership (2 day trial - FREE!)
$200/mo Yearly Contract ($175 cancellation fee)
Additional children $125/mo for yearly contract
$225/mo Month-to-Month Contract (cancel anytime)
Additional children $150/mo for month-to-month.
Adult Membership
$225/mo Yearly Contract ($195 cancellation fee)
$250/mo Month-to-Month Contract (cancel anytime)
Access to unlimited classes of all offered martial arts styles available taught by world-class instructors. Access to state-of-the-art cardio and weight training equipment. Plenty of mat space and boxing/muay thai bags and pads.
$150 Membership Initiation Fee:
2 Intro Pack
Two introductory sessions with a world-class instructor to learn the basics of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Boxing. One Muay Thai and one Jiu Jitsu intro hour sessions scheduled on your time.